

非营利组织卓越管理的七个特点 一个成功的非营利组织的基本要素是什么. 当实现, the Hallmarks will help move an organization forward on the path of mission fulfillment and better position it for long-term sustain能力.

最初于2002年开发,作为评估当时新申请的工具 Alford-Axelson非营利组织卓越管理奖在美国,hallmark已经成为一种通用的组织评估工具. 今天, the Hallmarks serve as a formal foundation for all Axelson Center 项目—a foundation that ensures that the overall capacity of the nonprofit sector is strengthened for those organizations and individuals participating in Axelson Center professional development 项目:

无论你是在创建一个非营利组织还是领导一个有百年历史的组织, 我们鼓励你与hallmark -特派团所代表的七个领域进行接触 & 计划,领导 & 治理、战略 & 创新,Human Resources,财力 & 性能、资源生成 & 对外关系及问责 & 诚信——并将其作为组织自我评估的工具.

阿克塞尔森中心定期访问和更新标志. 最近,我们将多元化、公平和包容(DEI)元素融入了各个品牌. 我们鼓励组织仔细考虑如何将DEI完全集成到他们自己的管理实践中.

非营利组织在解决人类或社区需求方面必须有一个明确而集中的目标, 并应在组织使命声明中正式提出这一目的. 非营利组织的活动和项目应该与这一宗旨保持一致. 因为社区需要不断发展, 应该定期重新审视组织的目的和使命,以确保它们仍然是相关的. 评估是这一过程中的关键步骤, 组织作为一个整体,特别是它的项目,都应该定期评估. Outcome evaluation should demonstrate how the organization is meeting its programmatic goals and its mission using both quantitative and qualitative data.

关于使命 & 项目,表现最好的非营利组织:

  • 正式和具体地说明他们的目的(任务).
  • 有一个清晰而引人注目的使命宣言来表达组织存在的理由.
  • 开展与这一使命相一致的活动和项目.
  • 定期回顾他们的使命和战略,必要时进行修改.
  • 已经定义了, cost-effective procedures for quantitative and qualitative culturally-sensitive evaluation of 项目 and projects in relation to the mission.
  • 利用定期文化敏感性评估的结果来加强组织的有效性.
  • 在执行他们的使命时,对人类或社区的需求产生重大影响.

一个组织的管理委员会对其成功起着至关重要的作用. 董事会成员应以战略方式构建,以确保各种技能的混合, 与组织需要和发展阶段相适应的社会身份和多元化背景. 董事会成员的选择是期望他们贡献“时间”, 人才和宝藏”确保必要的资源得到保障, 计划以策略性的方式进行,并有适当的政策. 高级领导是根据技能来选择的, 经验, 并根据组织的发展需要与使命和价值观保持一致. 董事会和执行领导层之间的协同工作是组织成功的重要关键.

当涉及到管理一个具有强大领导力的非营利组织时 & 治理,最好的非营利组织:

  • 体现对多样性的承诺, 体现在高层领导中的公平和包容, 员工及董事会.
  • Build diverse and inclusive boards comprised of individuals who possess the 经验 and skills needed for this specific organization to accomplish their mission. 这包括功能和项目相关的专业知识,包括生活经验.
  • 董事会的承诺和参与是否反映在时间和/或财务贡献上.
  • Eng年龄 the board in long-term and short-term planning activities as necessary to determine (or affirm) the organization‘s mission, to define specific goals and objectives related to the mission and to evaluate the success of the organization’s 项目 toward achieving the mission.
  • Establish policies enabling the board to effectively man年龄 the organization; these policies are explicit and cover board procedures and term limits.
  • 有董事会对自己的运营负责吗, 包括教育, 培训和发展董事会成员, 定期评估自己的表现, 还有新董事会成员的招聘.
  • Have systems in place for the board to conduct a periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer that will facilitate a regular assessment of the chief executive officer’s fit with the organization’s needs over time.
  • Are led by a senior leadership team that possesses the skills and 经验 needed for the organization to accomplish its mission.
  • 证明公司高层领导和董事会之间有效的工作关系.
  • 确保执行继任策略到位,以确保组织长期稳定.

组织应制定明确的, 与任务相关的可操作策略, 并被视为环境的变化, 外部和内部, 发生.  根据需要修改程序,并在适当的地方创建程序, 按照建立的制度利用机会. 在整个组织中鼓励创新:在系统中, 项目,现有的和新的合作伙伴关系.

拥护战略的非营利组织 & 创新具有以下属性:

  • 与其使命直接相关的清晰、连贯和可操作的战略.
  • Performance indicators that are used for assessing the effectiveness of the overall strategy as well as specific 项目 and services.
  • 因应市场需要和情况,检讨和更新策略的定期程序.
  • Clear evidence that existing 项目 have been efficiently and effectively grown to meet the needs of potential service recipients.
  • 对持续改进的承诺, 包括服务接受者的反馈系统.
  • 系统或过程,以培养新的方案思想和利用新的机会.
  • 鼓励一个支持持续学习的环境,包括从失败中学习.
  • The 能力 to observe various signals and listen to new and innovative ideas that can emerge from many origins including under-represented populations.
  • 不断探索与其他实体合作的新途径, 包括非营利组织, 营利或政府.

是人推动了非营利组织的使命. Strong nonprofit performance requires an organization to make and value its investment in the people who drive the organization’s 项目 and keep the organization eng年龄d with its constituents. Investment in human resources is reflected in policies and procedures that support staff and volunteers in their 能力 to work effectively, 获得足够的报酬,并有机会获得专业发展. 强大的非营利组织创造了一种员工可以做真实自我的文化, 感受到尊重和倾听,并被授权基于他们独特的技能为整体任务做出贡献, 想法和经验.

具有强大Human Resources实践的非营利组织具有以下特点:

  • 书面人事政策和程序, 董事会批准, 管理本组织所有员工和志愿者的工作和行动.
  • 为员工写的明确角色和职责的工作描述.
  • 对所有员工进行年度绩效评估的制度.
  • A professional development plan for the organization and effective practices for recruiting and retaining qualified and diverse (under-represented ethnic representation, 指定的专业技能, 性别, 年龄, 能力, 等.雇员和志愿者.
  • 所有高层管理职位的继任计划.
  • 所有组织实体的正式和明确的角色和职责.
  • 反映当前组织现实的完整组织结构图.
  • 在薪酬和薪酬规划中有效地使用基准.
  • 招聘, promotion and compensation processes that are fair and allow equal access at the formal gateways of employment and advancement and ensure retention.

一个组织的财政实力对于支持其在推进任务中执行工作的能力至关重要. Systems need to be in place to ensure that an annual budget is completed and 董事会批准; internal controls are in place; regular financial reporting 发生s. 本组织不断努力保持其财务健康,以实现长期可持续性. An awareness of changes in the external environment and a value for transparency are likewise important for financial strength and performance.

拥有一流资金实力的非营利组织 & 绩效部门有以下工具和做法:

  • 由董事会批准的指导组织运作的年度预算.
  • 一种精确的系统, 清晰的, 并及时向公司内外汇报财务信息和数据.
  • 经注册会计师每年审计的财务报告.
  • Written financial policies (as appropriate to the organization’s size and complexity) governing such features as investment of organizational assets, 内部控制程序, 采购惯例和不受限制的流动净资产.
  • 全面证明财务状况良好, including attention to strategic cash flow man年龄ment; concern with risk man年龄ment; an awareness of key financial ratios; and compliance with generally accepted accounting practices, 在其他指标中.

组织必须制定战略,确保推进使命所需的资源. 鼓励创新策略,并应让董事会、员工和志愿者参与进来. 外部关系是培养信任和促进对组织工作的了解和认识的关键. 这些因素可以对资源的产生产生积极影响.

以下属性显示了强大的资源生成 & 对外关系实务:

  • 有一个多样化和有效的战略,以获得推进任务所需的资源.
  • 与组织规模和复杂程度相关的合理筹资成本.
  • 有效利用董事会成员的筹款计划, 志愿者和代表它的其他关键成员.
  • 在整个组织中创造性和有效地利用志愿者.
  • 通过协作与外部世界进行主动互动, 创收企业和其他努力实现多元化和包容性代表性的举措.
  • 满足组织筹集资金的所有州的法律报告要求.

作为公共资金的接受者和管理者, 透明度是管理良好的非营利组织的一个重要特征. The value that organizational leaders place on integrity in every element of the organization’s work can have a profound influence on organization success over time. 共享任务, 向公众提供项目和财务信息是培养透明度和信任的关键部分. Having appropriate policies in place to address potential conflicts of interest and ensuring compliance with legal and reporting requirements also plays a major role in fostering a culture of integrity throughout the organization.

非营利组织有效地把责任 & 将诚信原则付诸实践,做到以下几点:

  • 向公众提供有关其任务的信息, program activities and finances and ensure that organization staff members are accessible and responsive to members of the public who express an interest in their affairs.
  • Have conflict of interest policies in place and routinely and systematically implement these policies to prevent actual, 潜在的或感知到的利益冲突.
  • 定期对其遵守现有法律的情况进行内部审查, 监管和财务报告要求.